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600,000 Yearbooks Printed!

Social media innovation redefines the family yearbook and round-robin update 

My Social Book has transformed the humble family yearbook, having now supplied more than 600,000 books to its 250,000 strong customer base across the world.

My Social Book’s intuitive web-based platform lets families turn their social media content into real physical books, immortalizing a person’s Facebook and Instagram memories in seconds and producing a heart-warming Christmas gift. 

Charles Becquet, CEO of My Social Book, said: “This latest milestone shows just how passionate people are about sharing their family’s achievements. Facebook and Instagram radically changed how we all keep in touch and My Social Book takes this a step further by printing up to 10 years of social activity in just 45 seconds.”

Charles continued: “Customers return to us year after year because My Social Book is fully automated. Our algorithm means anyone can build a book effortlessly, as opposed to populating a blank design yourself photo by photo, page by page. It isn’t just images either - videos, status updates and other posts bring your book to life. They are in love with their Instagram and Facebook photo book

Reliving your favorite social media posts, remembering a vacation or honeymoon, creating an emotional Valentine’s Day gift or printing your pet’s Instagram page are some of the many reasons why so many people use My Social Book. 

Businesses across every sector also use My Social Book, from hoteliers creating striking coffee table books and in-room collateral, to event managers, marketing leaders and social media influencers who want to build brand awareness, engage their communities and win new clients.     

Click here to check your free preview print your own yearbook.


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